I have spent more time than I care to admit saying “one day I will get my blog up and going”. With all this extra time at home lately, I started saying it again, or a variation – “tomorrow, I will work on my blog”. “Next Sunday I will get my blog up and running.” “After I do the laundry, I am going to work on blogging”. And then, when I am done procrastinating, I sit down at the computer – and I go blank. I get overwhelmed and I can’t seem to figure out where to begin.
I started thinking about that word – B E G I N. It’s a verb. A word used to describe an action. Quite literally, it means to start. To do the first part of an action. To come into existence. To have a starting point.
And it realized that the first step in all of this is to begin. Begin by writing something. Anything. It doesn’t have to be a brilliant novel. Just write some words. Once the words are there I have gotten past the first step in working towards my goals. I have begun. It is now past tense. I am no longer telling myself one day I will get my blog started. It is now done. Mark that goal of the checklist and move on to the next.
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